
Ransab Global Logistics Limited was incorporated on 31st day of March, 2021. The main objective of the company is to serve as a facilitator, sourcing Logistics for our clients.
We execute above, by facilitating

  1. Logistics Consultancy,
  2. Transportation Services,
  3. Freight Handling,
  4. Construction Works and
  5. General Merchants.

Ransab Global Logistics Limited has in its possession Staffs and Board of Directors with decades of experience in Logistics, Transport, procurement (Oil & Gas and Shipping) and Construction Industry.

Vision Statement

To be result-oriented, speed and cost-effective among Logistics partners across the globe

Mission Statement

To become the world’s number one desired Logistics and Supply Chain Company, with applicable insight, service quality, and innovation through the use of modern technologies to create sustainable growth in the industry, society, and the world as a whole.

Scope of Activities

With support from our Global affiliates, we integrate Logistics results or solutions from the source of the supplier’s point to the client’s destination on time, either by sea, air, or by land. Which covers import & export activities such as warehousing, tracking services, (trade documentation and billing), haulage activities both in the Oil & Gas, Shipping Industry, and other industries. i.e. Clearance / Export of goods at all designated clearing and exporting points in Ghana and neighboring countries. E.g Tema, Takoradi, Kotoka International Airport, Aflao and Elubo.

Our Logistics Consultancy activities cover Oil & Gas Operation, initial Driver Training and refresher (Both heavy-duty trucks and light vehicles), Business Set up support, Audit & ISO certification support, Logistics, Material, and equipment/Property Management, etc.)
Our Transportation services covers, Haulage across all industry, rentals/Uber/Taxi Operations including booking for pick up services)

Project/Property Management in terms of our construction works includes building construction, Road Construction, surveying, architectural works, etc.

Being a Global Leader in Logistics, positive results have been our priority, not reasons for not being able to execute, hence we are determined to achieve our cost-effective control by issuing reasonable and realistic rates and quotations as much as practicable.

We are affordable and moderate to serve all categories as a reason of our bargaining power for the benefits of our potential clients.
Ransab Global Logistics Limited has expertise across the areas of our products and services and as a result, you are assured of quality services.